
A blog for leaders who care about recruiting and retaining the next generation of talent.

RippleMatch Product Pulse Newsletter: July Edition
Jul 31, 2024
Welcome to the RippleMatch Product Pulse, your monthly hub to learn about the products & features we’ve released to help you make the most of our platform.

Highlights this month include:
  • Interview Scheduling: Easily coordinate interviews within RippleMatch.
  • Candidate Activity Feed: Get visibility into each candidate's journey in your hiring process.
  • AI Chat Filter: Quickly find the best candidates for you with natural language prompts.
  • Updates to our Communities product: New Themes and Templates that help you save time and own your brand identity.

Learn more about these features and other recent releases below!

3 Impactful Ways University Recruitment Teams Can Prepare For The 2024 Fall Season
Jul 19, 2024

The landscape of recruitment is always changing – are you ready for the latest challenges fall recruitment has for you? To help you prepare, we’ve identified 4 key areas to focus on to ensure you have a smooth and successful season, informed by recent data collected from hundreds of recruiters, thousands of Gen Z candidates, and thousands of data points pulled from user behavior on the RippleMatch platform.

For a more in-depth analysis at each of these areas, you can download our full Fall Readiness Guide here!

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RippleMatch Product Pulse Newsletter: July Edition
Welcome to the RippleMatch Product Pulse, your monthly hub to learn about the products & features we’ve released to help you make the most of our platform. Highlights this month include: Interview Scheduling: Easily coordinate interviews within RippleMatch. Candidate Activity Feed: Get visibility into each candidate's journey in your hiring process. AI Chat Filter: Quickly find the best candidates for you with natural language prompts. Updates to our Communities product: New Themes and Templates that help you save time and own your brand identity. Learn more about these features and other recent releases below!
Our Latest AI Innovation: AI Chat Filtering
Filter for Candidates easily using natural language prompts Recruiting top talent is complex, but it doesn’t have to be time-consuming or cumbersome. With RippleMatch, you instantly find the best candidates in your pipeline and automatically source the talent you're missing. This means you spend 70% less time on resume reviews and manual sourcing, allowing you to focus on engaging with high-quality candidates and improving your recruitment results.
How You Can Make the Most Out of Your Pipeline in the Mass-Apply Era
Recruiting is tough, and this year will be more challenging than ever. Talent teams have big goals this year, with critical hiring and diversity targets, intense time-pressure, and serious competition for the best candidates. But those big goals aren’t coming with big budgets. In fact, teams today are growing leaner, making it essential to maximize every dollar spent and every hour of a team member’s time.
A Guide to Virtual Recruitment Events: What They Are and How to Approach Them
Looking for a strategic partner to support both your in-person and virtual recruiting events strategies? Check out our buyer's guide for a recruiting events software that will meet all your needs.
Recruiting Events Software: 2023 Buyer’s Guide
In a competitive talent landscape, recruitment events are a great way to engage with candidates, giving them an inside look at your organization, culture, employees, and opportunities to help them make informed decisions about where they might want to work. And by offering some of those events virtually, you open the door to connecting with a much more diverse slate of candidates from varying backgrounds, improving accessibility to your open roles. However, executing impactful recruitment events — both virtually and in-person — can be challenging to navigate, from inviting the right candidates to your events, quickly following up afterwards with applications to keep the momentum going, and pipelining attendees who aren’t great fits for your open roles right now.
Gen Z Recruiting Software: 2023 Buyer’s Guide
In a competitive recruitment landscape, it's essential that talent teams have the right partner by their side to help them reach their hiring goals. This is especially true as talent teams are shrinking and they are being tasked to do more with less. For Gen Z talent especially, candidates are expecting high-tech and seamless recruiting processes from their future employers. By working with recruiting software that has Gen Z in mind, you can make strides on your internship and entry-level hiring goals, and bring in the best talent out there today.
Trend Watch: Why Employers Are Getting Ghosted By Gen Z
Candidates and employers alike agree that the status quo of early career recruiting and hiring today is no longer effective. Candidates are sending out upwards of 50 internship or job applications to roles that they aren’t even sure they are qualified for, and in many cases, aren’t hearing back from companies after submitting their applications. At the same time, employers are spending a lot of time, effort, and money to find the right candidates and build diverse teams, but the response rates on their outreach are extremely low. In fact, for all the work that recruiters are putting into their outreach strategies today, many are experiencing response rates as low as 2%.
14 Campus Recruiting Trends to Watch in 2023
The early career recruitment landscape is always evolving, and if recruiters and employers want to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to attracting the best Gen Z talent, they need to keep up with the latest campus recruiting trends related to the newest crop of workers.
Diversity Recruiting Software: 2023 Buyer's Guide
It's no secret that employers today recognize the importance of nurturing a diverse pool of internship and entry-level talent to future-proof their organizations. However, the current economic climate has forced talent teams to get creative to reach ambitious diversity hiring goals, and do more with less in terms of staffing and budget.
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