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Recruiting Events Software: 2023 Buyer’s Guide

In a competitive talent landscape, recruitment events are a great way to engage with candidates, giving them an inside look at your organization, culture,  employees, and opportunities to help them make informed decisions about where they might want to work. And by offering some of those events virtually, you open the door to connecting with a much more diverse slate of candidates from varying backgrounds, improving accessibility to your open roles. However, executing impactful recruitment events — both virtually and in-person — can be challenging to navigate, from inviting the right candidates to your events, quickly following up afterwards with applications to keep the momentum going, and pipelining attendees who aren’t great fits for your open roles right now. 

For Gen Z talent especially, candidates are expecting high-tech and seamless recruiting events from their future employers. By working with a strong recruiting events software, you can make strides on your internship and entry-level hiring goals, and bring in the best talent out there today.


What is recruiting events software, and how can it help your team?

Recruiting events software is designed to support both your in-person and virtual events for candidates, from those you attend to those you host yourself (like an info session). From virtual career fairs and networking events to on-campus interviews, this type of software ensures seamless coordination, personalized candidate interactions, and real-time analytics to help recruiters make data-driven decisions.

High-quality recruiting events software is a game-changer for modern talent acquisition teams. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, it streamlines the entire recruitment event process, from planning to execution


What should you look for in a good recruiting events software (and what to be wary of)?

Not all recruiting events software is equal or the right fit for you, and in order to get the best ROI possible, you need to find software that caters to your ideal talent network. The following are a few questions you should ask yourself during your search for a recruiting events software partner. 

  • Does it support both in-person and virtual events? Gen Z talent prefer hybrid working environments over fully remote or fully in-person positions, and you can be sure that means they also want to attend a mix of recruitment events as well. Be sure you understand their preferences and that your recruiting events software is set up to match and can support virtual events seamlessly, as well as support your in-person events. 
  • What is the candidate experience like for students? Candidates these days have high expectations of the recruiting process — and recruitment events. Be sure that you’ve selected software that prioritizes candidate experience and helps strengthen your employer brand. That means anything from helping you invite the right candidates to following up afterwards.
  • Does it provide real-time analytics? Robust analytics and reporting capabilities are essential to track event performance, measure ROI, and identify areas for improvement. As you look for a recruiting events software, you’ll want to consider how much data they provide for you, and whether it's presented in a way that’s easy for even non-data folks to understand. 
  • Can you customize the event experience? Your recruitment events are intended to help your employer brand, whether or not they result in hires. You therefore need to ensure that your recruitment events software allows you to customize promotions around the event with your logos, colors, and messaging to create a consistent and professional experience for attendees.

How RippleMatch can help

With an abundance of technology at your fingertips, it can be overwhelming to pick a recruiting events software that fits all your needs, as well as the needs of your candidates. But RippleMatch is designed specifically for recruitment teams looking to get the most out of their events strategy. With all the above-mentioned points, plus several more features, RippleMatch sets the curve for recruiting events software.

Here are just some of the features that RippleMatch users love about our all-in-one early-career events management solution:

  • An engaged candidate pool for invites: We have a diverse talent pool of great talent that you can invite to your recruitment events, and can help you turn RSVPs into hires by inviting the right talent to the right events for them.
  • Strong communication tools: RippleMatch allows you to seamlessly engage with candidates before, during, and after events, and helps you pipeline standout talent for future opportunities.
  • Recruiting events analytics: It’s easy to optimize your recruiting events efforts and maximize your ROI when there’s recruitment event analytics at your fingertips. Plus, you can make sure that your lean team is having the biggest impact with even the smallest budget.
  • Employer branding: If your employer branding isn’t optimized, you’re missing out on top talent. Remain competitive with software that helps improve your employer branding throughout the events cycle and communicates your brand effectively to candidates.
  • Diversity-Focused Recruiting Events: RippleMatch is the most efficient and cost-effective way to make a difference on DE&I. It allows you to engage underrepresented talent at 1600+ schools and 310+ HBCUs and HSIs with recruitment events, and to optimize conversions for diverse talent in your hiring funnel.

Choosing a recruiting events software can be overwhelming at first, but this one-time decision could save you a lot of time, money, and headaches in the long run. Both your recruitment team and your candidates deserve the best experience possible, so use this technology to your advantage and blow the competition away.

Learn more about why top employers have turned to RippleMatch to support their early career recruiting efforts here.


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