
A blog for leaders who care about recruiting and retaining the next generation of talent.

RippleMatch Product Pulse Newsletter: July Edition
Jul 31, 2024
Welcome to the RippleMatch Product Pulse, your monthly hub to learn about the products & features we’ve released to help you make the most of our platform.

Highlights this month include:
  • Interview Scheduling: Easily coordinate interviews within RippleMatch.
  • Candidate Activity Feed: Get visibility into each candidate's journey in your hiring process.
  • AI Chat Filter: Quickly find the best candidates for you with natural language prompts.
  • Updates to our Communities product: New Themes and Templates that help you save time and own your brand identity.

Learn more about these features and other recent releases below!

3 Impactful Ways University Recruitment Teams Can Prepare For The 2024 Fall Season
Jul 19, 2024

The landscape of recruitment is always changing – are you ready for the latest challenges fall recruitment has for you? To help you prepare, we’ve identified 4 key areas to focus on to ensure you have a smooth and successful season, informed by recent data collected from hundreds of recruiters, thousands of Gen Z candidates, and thousands of data points pulled from user behavior on the RippleMatch platform.

For a more in-depth analysis at each of these areas, you can download our full Fall Readiness Guide here!

All Articles

7 Unique and Engaging Careers Pages To Inspire Your Recruitment Marketing
Kate Beckman
From highlighting office culture to showcasing company values, your careers page is your chance to share everything your company has to offer. And with the careers page ranking as the No. 1 source of information for entry-level candidates researching a company, it’s more important than ever to create a page that will engage and educate candidates as they begin the application process.
5 Ways to Encourage New Grads To Relocate For Your Job Opportunity
Kate Beckman
For most of the professional workforce, relocation rates are at an all-time low. Within the past few years, several reports have found that only around 10-11% of Americans have made the choice to relocate for a job. Despite these numbers, there’s one group of people who, according to data collected by RippleMatch, can be swayed when it comes to relocating for a job: new grads.
8 Organizations Committed to Supporting Native American Professionals
Kate Beckman
Since 1990, November has been recognized as Native American Heritage Month to recognize the contributions Native Americans have made to society and celebrate the community’s culture. However when it comes to the workplace, Native Americans face one of the highest rates of unemployment, 7.8%, and about one third of Native Americans say they’ve faced discrimination when seeking jobs. To combat these issues, there are numerous organizations that are dedicated to uplifting Native American professionals across a wide variety of industries. From mentorship and networking opportunities, to annual professional conferences, these organizations provide plenty of events and resources. This Native American Heritage Month we wanted to highlight organizations that are led by Native individuals, and work to support the Native American community. Whether you’re a company looking to forge partnerships for recruitment purposes or you’re a Native American professional looking to get involved, these organizations should be on your radar.
The Top Reasons College Graduates Accept Job Offers
Kate Beckman
What motivates a new graduate to accept a job offer? With levels of student debt and the cost-of-living in major cities climbing, one might think that money would be the main motivator for young people starting out their careers. However, today’s top graduates are making their professional decisions based on factors like career growth opportunities and company culture, rather than compensation alone.
Nearly Two-Thirds of Graduates From The Class of 2019 Had Multiple Job Offers to Choose From
Kate Beckman
While many graduating seniors still worry about hearing back from the company of their dreams and standing out from other applicants, today’s entry-level candidates are enjoying a strong job market that allows them to be more selective about where they apply and ultimately work.
Microsoft’s Summer Interns Produced a Must-See Musical Number Celebrating Diversity, Inclusion, and Thinking Big
Kate Beckman
Microsoft’s summer class of interns decided to look beyond their job description this year and take their appreciation for the company to the next level. Over eight weeks, 150 interns and full-time employees created a full-out musical number that takes viewers through the history of the company, starting with Bill Gates as a young visionary. The whole concept was thought up by interns and executed on a completely voluntary basis, including working on mornings, weekends, and nights on top of their regular schedule.
10 Companies That Embrace Video In Their Recruitment Marketing Strategies
Kate Beckman
If a picture's worth a thousand words, a video is worth well more than that. And when it comes to engaging with a new generation of talent, using video to showcase your company's culture and value propositions can be a smart way to inform prospective employees about what makes your company great. While there are a ton of awesome recruitment marketing videos out there, some companies have developed a standout strategy to use video to their advantage. These companies have embraced video, effectively incorporating it into their careers page and other platforms. Looking for some inspiration on how to use video to your advantage? Here are some of our favorite approaches:
This Is When Gen Z Candidates Begin Their Job Search
Kate Beckman
Even with the thriving job market, sensible Gen Z’ers aren’t procrastinating when it comes to their job search. In our recent survey of over 1,100 graduates* from the class of 2019, 51% of our Class of 2019 respondents began their job search in or prior to October 2018, with the bulk of respondents selecting “August 2018” as the start of their job search. There’s a small spike of candidates that begin their search in January, and overall, 20% of Gen Z’ers began their search between January 2019 and March 2019. 20% of respondents waited until April, May or June to begin their job search.
The Gender Pay Gap Starts at the Entry Level and Affects Graduates From All Universities, Data Shows
Kate Beckman
We’ve all heard the statistic – on average, women earn 80% of what men earn annually.

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