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Why a Quick Application Response Time Is Essential Today

In today’s competitive recruitment landscape, a quick application response time is an indispensable tool for employers looking to attract and retain top talent — especially at the early career level. That’s because Gen Z candidates searching for internship and entry-level roles today expect a quick feedback loop from companies, and prefer to be rejected than ‘ghosted’ during the hiring process. 

But that’s easier said than done. In today's recruitment landscape, companies are being inundated with a deluge of applicants for each internship or job opening, making it increasingly challenging to keep up with the sheer volume of applications. However, amidst this flood of candidates lies a critical imperative — the need to respond promptly. Not only does a swift response demonstrate respect for candidates and foster a positive candidate experience, but it also holds the potential to make a significant impact on the company's ability to stand out and secure the best talent out there. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons why companies must prioritize a quick application response time — despite the overwhelming number of applicants — and explore how this crucial aspect can elevate an organization's hiring process.


Taking too long to respond to applicants can result in a negative candidate experience

When it comes to the hiring process, first impressions count. A quick application response time demonstrates respect for candidates' time and effort, creating a positive candidate experience right from the start. Even if the ultimate decision is a rejection, promptly notifying candidates of their status shows that the employer values their interest and acknowledges their application. This fosters goodwill and leaves candidates with a positive perception of the company, which can be critical for employer branding and future talent acquisition.

In fact, when we surveyed nearly 3,000 Gen Z internship and entry-level job seekers we found that the number one factor that contributes to a negative experience today is being ghosted by employers — i.e. not hearing back after submitting their initial applications, whether or not they are moving forward in the hiring process. The second most popular factor contributing to poor experience being ‘not receiving timely updates (within 5-7 business days) about application status’. 

Currently, the industry standard for average applicant response time is 17 days — if employers are able to respond to every applicant at all — and that’s well beyond the one week mark. Employers using RippleMatch, however, are able to improve candidate experience and respond to every applicant in an average of 5 days, with top performing platform users responding to applicants within one day. That’s because RippleMatch’s recruitment software helps employers review candidates faster and respond to every applicant swiftly, allowing them to quickly get back to everyone, and then spend time with top talent.    


Lengthy response times can have long-lasting impacts on your employer brand

In today's interconnected world, word travels fast. Candidates who have a negative experience during the application process at your organization are very likely to share their opinions online or with their network, potentially tarnishing your employer reputation for great talent. Conversely, a reputation for quick and courteous responses can significantly enhance your standing as an employer of choice for Gen Z. Positive reviews and feedback about your application process can both attract more candidates and improve the overall quality of applicants.


Leaving candidates in limbo can cause you to lose out on great talent 

The longer the waiting period between when great candidates submit their applications and when they hear back about advancing in your hiring process, the greater the chances that they may lose interest or pursue other opportunities. In other words, a delayed response to job applications can lead to candidate drop-offs. 

By providing timely feedback, you keep candidates engaged and demonstrate your commitment to expediting the hiring process. This reduces the likelihood of losing qualified candidates due to delayed responses. Candidates who receive an immediate response to their application are more likely to view your company as proactive, organized, and genuinely interested in them as individuals. This can tilt the scales in your favor and make your organization a more appealing choice for potential hires. In fact, according to data we collected from our platform, candidates are 250% more likely to convert to hires if they receive a response within 2 days.   


Prioritizing a quick response time allows you to focus on hiring great Gen Z candidates

A fast application response time streamlines and increases the efficiency of your entry-level hiring process. With prompt responses, employers can swiftly identify qualified candidates, conduct interviews, and move through the selection process more effectively. Reducing the time-to-hire not only saves resources, which is especially crucial for leaner talent teams today, but also allows your organization to secure the best candidates before they accept offers elsewhere (as detailed above). 


Investing in a timely and courteous application response process is an investment in the future success of your organization. Recruiters can get back to Gen Z candidates faster with the right tech partner, such as strong early career recruiting software. When it comes to providing a stellar candidate experience and building strong employer brands, our data shows that RippleMatch users are outperforming their peers who are not using the platform to connect with candidates quickly. That’s because RippleMatch’s software automates applicant review, enabling employers to review and respond to every applicant swiftly, and secure top talent before their competitors scoop them up. Plus, by cutting applicant review time by 70%, our software can give you and your team essential time back in your workflow, allowing you to focus on high-impact initiatives for your organization. 

Interested in learning more about how RippleMatch can help you craft a standout candidate experience, build a strong employer brand, and hire great early career talent? Check out how one employer uses RippleMatch Sort to hire efficiently at scale. 


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