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9 Must-Reads to Improve Your Diversity Recruitment Strategy in 2023

While it’s promising that many organizations today are prioritizing diversity in hiring and strengthening their commitments to building a more inclusive workplace, there is still much more progress to be made to make the workforce a more welcoming place for all. That includes supporting traditionally underrepresented talent during their college careers, as they begin internships and job searches, and all the way through when it's time for them to seek a promotion at work. In other words, in order to truly support the newest entrants to the workforce —  who are also the most diverse generation to date — your organization's commitment to D&I needs to be found in its recruitment strategy, hiring process, and support for employees.

To help you build on your efforts to recruit and nurture a diverse slate of talent this upcoming year, we’ve pulled together the top guides & articles we’ve written that have actionable steps you can take to reach your D&I goals. 


Guides & Reports
Diversity in the Workplace

This 2022 guide includes data we collected on more than 2,6000 members of Gen Z across different genders, races & ethnicities to uncover patterns and discrepancies in how they apply for internships and jobs, as well as their workplace preferences. This guide touches on topics such as candidate experience, reneges, company D&I policies, and more. Read the full guide here


A Guide to Recruiting at HBCUs

This guide includes key facts that every employer should know about HBCUs, and a list of the top schools to visit to find qualified candidates at those schools. In this guide you’ll learn what HBCU students value in the workplace and tips for recruiting HBCU students. Read the full guide here.


Beyond the Ivy League

This guide highlights top schools across the country that have diverse students populations, including public colleges and universities, women's colleges, HBCUs, HSI, tribal colleges, and more. Read the full guide here.


A Guide to Recruiting at Hispanic-Serving Institutions

This guide serves as a comprehensive look at the top HSIs across various fields and how to best recruit from these institutions. Within this guide, you’ll find the most important facts you should know about these schools and the students who attend them, tips to help you strengthen your employer brand on HSI campuses and reach the right candidates, and where to find the right candidates in STEM, CS, Business, or Liberal Arts. Read the full guide here.


Blogs & Insights
75% of Gen Z Candidates Consider Company D&I Efforts When Deciding Whether to Apply

How much of an effect does your company D&I efforts have on Gen Z candidates when they are deciding whether to apply to work at your organization? Tapping on data from our 2022 guide on Diversity in the Workplace, we dive into how much they care about your efforts to diversify the workforce, and what efforts matter most. Read the full article here.  


Tips From a DE&I Expert: 5 Ways to Help Your Employees Celebrate Juneteenth

This article is intended to help employers create a culture of inclusively and belonging at work with actionable advice for celebrating Juneteenth. Read the full article here


7 Ways to Foster Strong Recruitment Relationships With HBCUs

In a Talent Talk we hosted on building relationships with HBCUs, we dove into what it takes to connect with HBCUs, and why faculty at these schools are so important to engage with. Read the full article for the main takeaways from this event here, and find a link to the event recording inside. 


The 10 Most Diverse Universities That Campus Recruitment Teams Should Consider

This article outlines the top 10 most diverse universities that university recruitment teams should consider if they want to make real strides in their D&I strategy. Read more here


Diversity Recruiting Software: 2023 Buyer’s Guide

This article outlines everything you should consider when shopping for a diversity recruitment partner, such as whether it supports hybrid recruiting, what the candidate experience is like, and whether the candidate network is allows you access to is active. Read more here


4 Ways Recruiters Can Support First-Generation College Students

In a Talent Talk we hosted on first-gen college students, we discussed the value that this growing population of students can add to your organization, and ways you can support them as they enter the workforce — such as by providing a mentorship program. Read the full article for the highlights from this panel here, and find a link to the event recording inside.


Inclusivity in the Workplace: 4 Steps Recruiters Can Take to Support LGBTQIA+ Talent

In a Talent Talk we hosted on LGBTQIA+ early career candidates, we discussed best practices for recruiting, retaining, and supporting LGBTQIA+ employees — such as how you can engage with LGBTQIA+ clubs on campus. Read the full article for the advice from our panelists here, and find a link to the event recording inside.


3 Steps to Support the Advancement of Gen Z Women in the Workplace

In a Talent Talk we hosted on supporting female students as they begin to search for jobs, we spoke about how best to recruit, retain, and help women early in their careers advance within an organization. Read the full article for three tips you can implement here, and find a link to the event recording inside. 


Between surveying traditionally underrepresented members of Gen Z and inviting talent experts to share their experiences and wins when it comes to D&I, we have learned a lot about what it takes to truly make progress on diversifying the workforce — and we are happy to share that knowledge with you through our guides and blog posts. And this list is just the beginning. Check out our blog for more articles, and find all of our guides and reports here. Plus, you can keep an eye on our events page for upcoming Talent Talks and other events focused on strengthening your D&I strategy. 


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