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How To Stand Out To Recruiters at Virtual Events

With career fairs and info sessions taking place online, forming personal connections with recruiters might feel like a challenge. But it's possible to stand out from the virtual crowd and increase your chances of landing an interview even without a face-to-face meeting.


RippleMatch recently hosted our first 'Career Conversation,' our series of panels to help students navigate their job search and explore different career paths. In this conversation, we heard from Jillian Knowles, Manager, Campus Recruitment at AlphaSights, Annie Herman, Senior Manager - University Recruiting & Partnerships at Anheuser-Busch, and Kristin Irish, Director, Talent Acquisition, Success Academy Charter Schools about their top advice for students to stand out during virtual events. From the best way to connect with recruiters before and after events to how to shape your virtual elevator pitch, watch the panel replay below or read on for our highlights in order to make the most of your participation in online recruitment events this fall!


Watch The Panel Replay


Top Takeaways:


Make sure you do your research and prepare thoroughly. 

In advance of any virtual recruiting event -- whether it be a career fair, a speaker session, or a coffee chat -- you must make sure you are as prepared as possible. First and foremost, learn which platform will be used for the event and assure that you know how it functions before the event starts. In most cases, your school’s career center will be able to walk through the platform with you and show you how to best utilize it. Make sure you research the companies and people attending the event, so that you know their backgrounds and can prepare smart, intellectual questions for them. Finally, have a pen and paper handy to take notes, as typing notes on your computer may be taken as being distracted by recruiters in the event. For bonus points, find the contact information of the recruiters for the companies you are interested in -- you can get that from your career center -- and write them a note before the career fair. Note that you are excited about the opportunity to speak with them and share information about yourself so you will stand out when applying.


Interact, engage, and SMILE during online events. 

During the event, remember that how you’re interacting with recruiters should not be that different online than in person. When you speak -- to ask a question or answer a question -- always introduce yourself. Sometimes the platforms don’t display names the way we expect, and recruiters have a much higher chance of remembering you if you introduce yourself right off the bat. When you ask questions, structure them to show that you’ve done your research in advance by telling them what you know (“I know the company has had a great third quarter…”) and then launching into your question (“...but I was curious if you could share what internal expectations for growth are in the next year?”). Additionally, while you want to engage a lot, make sure you’re not interrupting others or dominating all the time in the event. Most importantly, don’t forget to smile. In person, we are always smiling during these conversations, but through a screen, a lot of people forget to add that extra, excited-to-be-there touch that really sets you apart.


Write thank you notes afterwards.

Thank you notes are a crucial component of engaging with new companies and recruiters, and they can serve as a major differentiating factor for you. For virtual events, your thank you notes should come in the form of an email or, when appropriate, a LinkedIn message. Make sure you include a personal note about the conversation you had, by including a particular detail or exchange that interested you. This customization also assures recruiters that you’re willing to put in the extra effort for the role and re-affirms your interest. Send the thank you note within 24 to 72 hours after the event, so the recruiter will still remember you and you’ll still be able to generate a positive dialogue. 


Tailor your application with knowledge about the organization.

When you begin working on your application, take into consideration everything you have learned about the company through events, as well as what information they make public. Pay attention to the emails and instructions you receive after a virtual recruiting event -- it’s likely that this communication will contain crucial and incredibly helpful details about the application process, such as where to apply and what is required in an application. For cover letters or any sort of written question, utilize everything you’ve learned in the company’s recruiting events and incorporate that knowledge you’ve gained to show your interest. Additionally, applying as soon as possible after the application opens is a huge differentiator in getting your application noticed, so try to keep track of which companies you want to apply to and what their openings and deadlines are. 


Stay in touch with recruiters beyond that first “Thank You” email.

Staying in touch with a recruiter beyond that initial thank you email that you send after meeting at an event can help you stand out and build real relationships. There are a few ways to do this. First, connect with them on LinkedIn and engage with their posts, liking them or providing simple, positive comments. This will keep your name at the top of their mind. If you do land an interview at the company, reach out to the recruiter and thank them again for all the great information they provided in the event, as it helped you through the process and got you even more excited about the opportunity. Finally, even if you end up getting rejected from their organization, sending a recruiter a thank you email regardless can go a long way. Acknowledging how much they have helped you and thanking them for their time and guidance is the classiest choice that will only help you look like a great candidate for future roles. 


Navigating virtual recruitments events and knowing how to connect with recruiters can be a challenge. But by doing your research like you would for any event and going the extra mile to follow up with recruiters, you can stand out from the virtual crowd and position yourself competitively in your search. 


Be sure to watch the full panel for all of the great advice, as well as to learn about opportunities with AlphaSights, Anheuser-Busch, and Success Academy Charter Schools.


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