
How to Recruit Gen Z for Careers in the Supply Chain Industry

Written by RippleMatch | May 1, 2023 5:03:00 AM

The supply chain industry has been subject to unprecedented upheaval over the last few years, as the COVID-19 pandemic shut down factories and businesses across the globe, many of which are still struggling to return to their pre-pandemic pace. At the same time, the industry is expected to grow by nearly 10% over the next four years — and companies big and small will have to source top talent to both help them catch up, and keep up.

Gen Z is the generation that will soon become 30% of the workforce, making it essential for any company to consider best practices to attract them toward careers in the supply chain industry to future-proof their organization. And top programs have been catching on. From our surveys we’ve found that companies in the supply chain industry are making a continued investment in interns despite current economic conditions. In other words, we found that companies in the supply chain industry have no plans to slow down on their hiring of interns into 2023, with 15% of companies making plans to actually increase hiring for their internship programs.  

However, attracting Gen Z candidates to careers in the supply chain industry can be a challenge if you don’t know what this new generation of workers care about and want to see in their future employers. To help you drum up excitement about your opportunities for Gen Z internship and job candidates in supply chain roles, we’ve compiled some data about what Gen Z wants in the workplace, and how you can leverage that data to strategically promote your supply chain roles to top talent. 

What we know about Gen Z (& how you can use it)

Gen Z cares about compensation

It’s no surprise that the economic downturn has put compensation at the top of the list for Gen Z candidates when it comes to workplace priorities. When we asked Gen Z candidates in 2023 about what factors would cause them to back out of an offer for another opportunity, a higher compensation was the most popular response. Specifically, 66% of candidates admitted that they would rescind their offer for a superior compensation package. 

While salaries in the supply chain industry vary by role, many entry-level positions do come with very attractive starting paychecks for those new to the workforce. According to average salaries collected by Indeed, entry-level production schedulers could collect around $46,000/year, and purchasing analysts could make just over $51,000/year. For lowing paying positions, such as a warehouse operator (average salary according to Indeed of $31,000/year) or packing associate (average salary according to Indeed of $33,000/year), it’s important to highlight the potential for higher salaries as hires take on additional responsibilities, and other incentives and perks when advertising jobs to Gen Z. If you're looking to attract Gen Z candidates to careers in the supply chain industry, you’ll want to both put your best offer forward to protect yourself from reneges, as well as highlight the potential for candidates to earn higher salaries as they grow their careers.

To understand a little more about what salaries interns and entry-level workers are making across different roles and industries, read our benchmarking report on the Gen Z job search.  

Gen Z cares about career growth and career alignment

Contrary to popular belief, Gen Z is a loyal bunch. Our data shows that over 60% of Gen Z candidates see themselves in the same role for 2.5 years or more — proving that this generation of employees is looking for long-term alignment and meaningful work. At the same time, this generation is also focused on career advancement, so while they are willing to invest in your company, they need you to invest in them as well. Specifically, we found that 72.2% of full-time candidates said they expect to receive a promotion in their first year of employment with a company.

The supply chain industry offers plenty of opportunities for growth and advancement, so emphasizing this when advertising positions to Gen Z candidates is key. Moving from junior analyst and procurement roles into more senior positions through mentorship programs, ongoing training, and certification courses are all ways to position the industry as a leader in career advancement. Plus, offering opportunities such as rotational programs is another great way to showcase to Gen Z that you care about their career discovery and want to help them find their perfect fit (which can serve as a springboard for their career). 

Gen Z cares about workplace flexibility, but not necessarily fully remote opportunities 

Gen Z workers are looking for meaningful work and financial stability, but also value flexibility in the workplace — to a certain degree. And that’s clear when it comes to how they prefer to work. Our data shows that the most preferred work setting for Gen Z candidates today is hybrid, with more than 60% of candidates saying they want the chance to both work from home AND go into the office. Looking closer, when we asked candidates if they preferred that they choose which days they go into the office in a hybrid setting or that their company designates their in-office days, more candidates chose the latter, signifying that they want some direction and guidance as they enter the workforce. 

Wherever you can, it’s important to offer Gen Z some flexibility in their roles and control over their own schedules. There are plenty of positions and opportunities in the supply chain industry that are prime for hybrid work schedules — such as in data analytics, procurement, and logistics — and it would be wise to determine where that flexibility can be factored in when backfilling roles and creating new ones. For roles that must be completed fully in-person, you’ll want to consider how you can best appeal to Gen Z by ensuring that they will benefit from all the perks of coming into the office — such as networking and professional development opportunities. 

Getting the appropriate offer in front of Generation Z is the best way to attract them to a career in the supply chain industry. It's critical to provide flexibility, mentorship, professional development, and a fun, welcoming work environment — and by doing so, you can create a strong pipeline of talent for your company. 

Best practices for attracting and marketing to Gen Z

Now that you understand what Gen Z wants in their future employers and how the supply chain industry can use that data to better market their roles, it’s time to dive into some best practices for attracting this generation of workers.

Have an active online presence

Gen Z is composed of digital natives who are engaged with technology, so it stands to reason that having an active online presence can help you attract and retain Gen Z employees. In fact, we found that the most popular way that Gen Z candidates learn about new companies and open roles today is through research online. Staying active on social media, updating your website, and maintaining your blog (if you have one) are all ways to boost your online presence and show students you are actively looking for talent like them.

Offer a mix of virtual and in-person recruitment events

Because Gen Z prefers a hybrid work environment, it's critical to apply this same treatment to your events strategy, and offer a mix of virtual and in-person recruitment events. Consider hosting live webinars alongside in-person campus visits to a select group of schools,, or even enlist a recruitment partner to help you organize events.

For tips, ideas, and best practices for hosting creative events, check out our guide on producing terrific candidate experiences: 100 Events & How to Do Them.

Provide a great candidate experience

The application process is a critical part of candidate experience and can make or break your chances of attracting Gen Z workers. Today, the biggest indicator of a poor application and hiring process is a lack of communication. And Gen Z told us that could be anything from not hearing back at all from a company if they are no longer advancing in the hiring process to not receiving timely updates (within a week) about their application status. And don’t think that a flaw in your hiring process will be hidden from other prospective candidates. It’s always a possibility that upset candidates will take to sites like Glassdoor to share their negative experiences.   

The ‘candidate experience’ may be Gen Z’s first interaction with your brand — and should only stand to reaffirm their decision to move forward with you. To do this, make sure you provide updated, valuable information and are responding in a timely manner. Giving candidates the feeling of being valued and having an understanding of the applicants’ goals is key to landing top, young talent.

Reach Gen Z early

Reaching Gen Z early is essential to attracting and retaining young and diverse talent to the supply chain industry. Employers should start connecting with high school students, first-year college students, sophomores, or even younger generations exploring different career paths to open their eyes to what you have to offer.

Brand recognition takes time, and one of the best ways to build relationships with Generation Z is by hosting informal events for underclassmen. Inviting these students to attend events that offer insights into the world of supply chain can be a great way to get them interested in the field and your business. By doing so, employers are building a foundation for future talent and getting the word out about the benefits of a supply chain career.

How RippleMatch helps candidates uncover your opportunities

RippleMatch is the recruitment automation platform changing how Gen Z finds work. By replacing job boards with matching and automation, RippleMatch eliminates the most time-intensive parts of the recruitment process for both employers and job seekers.

RippleMatch can help you build your brand & increase diversity

For employers and candidates alike, RippleMatch is the perfect solution for attracting top talent in the supply chain industry. Our platform provides an easy and efficient way for you to expand your network and build brand recognition with early career professionals, and for students to understand why they might be a great fit for an industry they either have, or may not have yet considered. Plus, we can help you meet D&I goals by connecting you with our diverse candidate pool representing more than 180+ HBCUs and HSIs. 

RippleMatch can help you manage applicant volume, and provide a seamless candidate experience

RippleMatch allows you to quickly sort through inbound applicants, identify top prospects, and create a more responsive candidate experience by:

  • Automatically surfacing viable candidates and flagging those that are unqualified to reduce applicant review time by 70%.
  • Unlocking analytics into your entire early career pipeline, no matter where a candidate was sourced from.
  • Allowing you to respond to candidates in days — not months — and create an exceptional candidate experience that stands out from the competition.
RippleMatch can help you get the most out of your recruitment events

RippleMatch also offers a standout Events management system that allows you to:

  • Capture every lead and engage the right talent at scale with the most intuitive platform for recruiting events.
  • Turn RSVPs into hires. With a single source of truth for candidate information, follow ups are a breeze. Invite candidates to apply for the right jobs and keep in touch.
  • Measure ROI by seeing which events lead to hires and where you are meeting diverse talent.

Recruiting top Gen Z talent in the supply chain industry can be demanding, but it doesn't have to be. By leveraging data on Gen Z and the right technology to help you scale your efforts, increase your impact for events, and provide an amazing candidate experience, your company can stand out from the competition and bring in promising candidates from a variety of backgrounds. 

Interested in how RippleMatch can support your recruitment efforts? Book a demo today to learn more about our platform and why top employers are turning to us to recruit early career talent.