
5 Facts Every Employer Should Know About Generation Z

Written by Kate Beckman | Apr 30, 2019 6:18:00 AM

If you’re a recruiter, hiring manager, or HR professional in the campus recruiting or entry-level space, chances are you’ve heard the term “Generation Z” recently. The post-millennial generation has been slowly stepping into the spotlight for several years now, but their entrance into the professional world has led to an explosion of whitepapers, articles, and conversation about how best to prepare for the newest generation of entry-level talent. With all of the resources available on Gen Z, it can feel overwhelming to find a high-level view of Gen Z and their place in the workforce – so we put together the top five things employers should know about this generation. If you’re just starting your research on what to expect when Gen Z employees enter your office, here are five facts to build a foundational knowledge on Gen Z as you continue your research on the youngest employees in the workforce:


1. The oldest members of Gen Z are just now starting their careers.

There’s a reason you’re hearing about Generation Z now more than ever. The entry-level millennial has come to an end and it’s Gen Z that will be filling your entry-level roles and internships for years to come. Generation Z is estimated to span from 1997-2012, so the youngest members are currently entering the workforce. See below for where the birth years of Gen Z fall compared to other generations:


2. Generation Z is the most racially diverse generation to date.

In the United States, Gen Z is the last population expected to have a white majority. According to the United States Census Bureau, 49% of children under the age of 15 are minorities, compared to millennials who are 55% non-Hispanic white and Gen X who are 60% non-Hispanic white. It’s important for employers to be aware of the changing populations, especially for industries such as tech and finance that already struggle to achieve representation among non-white demographics such as Hispanic/Latino, Black/African American, and American Indian. The workforce will only continue to become more and more diverse, so companies that employ strategies to build a balanced workforce starting at the entry-level will have a better shot at accurately reflecting tomorrow’s demographics.


3. Professional development opportunities are one of the top things you can offer to Gen Z employees.

Want to attract top Gen Z talent? Forget flashy perks like ping-pong tables and beer on tap and focus on how you can help Gen Z employees progress through their careers. Data pulled from RippleMatch and external studies like ones from EY, Door of Clubs, LinkedIn, and HackerRank have found that professional development and career trajectory rank as the top priority for entry-level candidates entering the workforce. According to data from our platform, professional development and upward mobility are more important to Gen Z candidates when looking for a job than factors like compensation and job stability. Professional development opportunities at a company also influence an entry-level candidate’s decision to accept a job – 69% of respondents to a RippleMatch survey cited professional development opportunities as an influential factor when deciding whether or not to accept a job offer.  


4. Generation Z isn’t impressed by well-known names alone.

Members of Generation Z are brand-wary consumers and job applicants. They rely on online reviews not only for their purchasing decisions, but also when researching a company. Data pulled from RippleMatch shows that company prestige is one of the least important factors to entry-level candidates who are searching for a job. That doesn’t mean having a well-known name will hurt your chances with Gen Z, but that means it’s essential to showcase the other value propositions you have to offer entry-level candidates instead of relying solely on brand recognition.



5. Generation Z is a socially-conscious generation in and out of the workplace.

Countless studies have shown that Generation Z is one of the most socially-conscious generations to date, both as consumers and as employees. According to data from RippleMatch, Gen Z candidates searching for a job place equal importance on a company’s social impact initiatives as they do on compensation. While companies still need to offer competitive compensation to secure top candidates, well-documented social impact initiatives and clear mission statements can attract entry-level candidates to your company in addition to things like company culture and career development opportunities.


You won’t become a Gen Z expert from one article, but the facts provided above can provide you with a solid foundation to learn more about Generation Z and their entrance into the professional world. Ready to dive into more info? Check out the following resources:

A Running List of Studies On The Gen Z Workforce

A Comprehensive Report On What Gen Z Wants At Work

Understanding The Gen Z Candidate Experience

The Do’s and Don’ts of Reaching Gen Z Candidates on Social Media

Here’s Everything You Should Know About Generation Z